Transport for London

TfL Lettings is one of London’s largest landowners and offers a wide range of spaces for businesses and organisations of different sizes, from pop ups and small businesses to global brands.

This project was to completely re-design the lettings website.

visit live site →
An image of the TfL's lettings websites homepage.

The project

My role

Senior UX Designer

The team

Senior UX Designer, Project Manager, Back-end Developer, Front-end Developer, SEO Analyst, QA Analyst, DevOps Engineer, Account Manager

The project challenges

  • To present the TfL’s vast portfolio of properties
  • To design an intuitive search functionality to serve a wide range of users from small pop ups to large global organisations
  • To design a search functionality that met the needs of the end-users and the tech requirements

How we did it

01 Workshop

The project was kicked off by a remote internal stakeholder workshop with 8 participants using Zoom and Miro. The workshop consisted of tasks to define the problem, outline the project goals and risks.

02 Stakeholder interviews

Following the workshop 6 remote stakeholder interviews were conducted to dig deeper into the project goals and the specific needs of the website.

03 User journeys

Key user journeys were defined to support the needs of the users and to demonstrate the various routes needed to solve the solution.

04 Wireframing

By working closely with the development team the key pages were wireframed using Figma, with a specific focus on the search functionality, ensuring the functionality of the designs meet the tech requirements, the user needs and the allocated time and budget.

05 Prototyping

The wireframes were quickly turned into prototypes ready for client reviews and usability testing.

A set of wirefraems

06 User testing and iterations

Rapid prototyping, testing and iterating was carried out.

07 Visual designs

The prototypes were turned into final designs using the TFL’s design library as a guide.

08 And finally

Feature requirements and functional specification was completed and the project handed over to the development team.

An image of the TfL's property lettings homepage.

Final takeaways

​For a complicated project, the simplest solution, can be achieved through collaboration and teamwork. In this instance working closely with the development team, exploring options together lead to the right search functionality for the end-user that met all the project and user needs.